Thursday, September 3, 2009

My baby is 5

I can't believe my baby is five.

He has been so excited today walking around saying "I can't believe it is my birthday" LOL too cute.

We had a very laid back day as he is having a party on Sat but here a few pics of him today.

I can't get any other pics cause they are all on the hard drive on the broken computer Bugger Bugger

About Time !!!!!!!

OK so I thought it was about time I posted on my blog.

Life has been a little crazy to say the least.

Our landlord is selling so we have decided that after nearly 3 years we would get out and find a new house to rent.  The time isn't right for us to have a $700,000 Mortgage.  I found a nice house in Westleigh with four bedrooms, so hopefully enough room for us and my hobbies LOL that is the most important part isn't it? to have plenty of room to sew and create.  I am so depressed about the move because it means I have to move away from this fantastic neighbourhood.  I don't think it will sink in until we move that I can't walk next door to borrow some cloves or to get a sewing opinion.  Think this is definately the hardest part.  the easy part is leaving this house and the mould behind.  I am hoping that we will all be a lot healthier in the new place.

I also thought it was time I posted a pic of my flamingo pants on my cute little neighbour.  Her mum made the top from the matching fabric on the ruffles and it looks sooooo cute together

OK I am just going to sort out some pics of my 5 year old and be back with his birthday pics