Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sewing pants

Oh before I begin my little nephew has a name.  Took his parents 3 days to name him LOL he is Orlan Brody H or as we have already nicknamed him Obi  LOL  Can't wait to give him a little hug.

On the sewing front I have been making some new pants for Luke.  I find it hard to get pants that fit him nicely.  so since it is fairly easy to do I whipped him up a couple of pairs.  One pair of brown cords and a pair of denim pants, and I spruced them both up a bit.

I have also been making Xaviers bday present. he is getting another pair of pants and a top again this year. Have only made the pants at this stage but they came up rather nice.

Also finally got a picture of Jacks quilt, taken out on the line after I washed it.  And one of Orlans quilt as well, now I just have to finish his singlets and I can pack his things up and send them off.

Also made Ebony a new softie to send in the parcel as well.  Will have to download the pics for that though.

Both boys are upstairs sick at the moment so I need to get back up there and clean.  The house has been neglected for a few days since I have been sewing LOL priorities.

be back later with pics of Mabel the monkey

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