Hope you all get spoilt rotten.
In other news we had Jacks party yesterday at the park. It was the most glorious day and we couldn't have had better weather if we ordered it.
we had about 15 6 and 7 year olds there with a pirate theme which they loved and the cake was a hit even though it didn't like the heat much LOL
I also had a great thrift find the other day.
I happened to go to my local op shop and found these gorgeous vintage prints. So lucky I have two babies due soon in my family. I can't wait to turn them into something nice.
some vintage baby prints
the most Divine fine cord. not much of this but enough for some pants for my nephew
anyone would think I had a girl with all these patterns LOL thank goodness for little nieces
And lastly my favorite. I love this vintage fabric it is Divine and quite a lot of it to about 4 meters. and all for the bargain price of $5
Well even though Anthony is at work on mothers day I am going to try and get some thing sewn and do some more hand sewing on Jacks quilt. Sewing this binding down is taking forever cause my arm keeps aching.
Can't wait to sew on my Machine I got from Ebay for a mere $41. Its Brother mystar 3 and lovely to sew with now just to actually make something and not just sew on a bit of fabric LOL
have a lovely day all you mummy's out there
Wow that is fantastic fabric
bloody hell that pirate cake is amazing!!!
a choc fest for sure! YUM
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