Monday, September 29, 2008

Some little sewing

A week and a half ago my neighbour had her fourth child, another little girl.  So to help her out a little and as my gift for baby Alice I am making some little tshirts.  They are so little and cute.
They are an Ottobre pattern but altered to be a tshirt instead of romper.  Even after I broke my overlocker sewing the first one, No idea how I did that.  They look so cute and little.
Have two more little ones to sew and the a couple the next size up to make.

Better get back to the sewing and cutting out.
Have a few ts to cut out and have finished a pair of shorts last night and cut out a pair of comfy pants for me that I need to sew as well

1 comment:

Beetlehouse Designs said...

You are so clever. I love all that you have made. I wish I was good at sewing t-shirts. I can't perfect the collars!!!!