I can't believe I haven't posted in nearly a month.
opppsA fair bit has been happening I have been sewing
alot and had sick kids and had an anniversary all in this time
LOLLuke had his tonsils and adenoids out and grommets put in both ears on Thursday and after a pretty miserable
day yesterday he woke up bright as a button this morning. Now I just have to wait for the day 5 ear pain, oh the joys.
We maybe heading back to surgery for his ear again soon. It looks like he may have a
Cholesteatoma and that needs to be removed and is major surgery.
mmm not looking forward to that although we really need to sort out this hearing issue before it gets worse.
So that is what is going on with Luke.
Jack has been going great with a great start to the school year and
grade 2. He is still loving school so that is great.
In other news Anthony and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. Can't believe it really but then again I can't remember life without him
LOLhere are a few of my
favs from our wedding ten years ago Friday
And of course of from Friday night 10 years on and a few extra kilos
LOLand I have to add this picture of the table Jack and Luke set for Anthony and I for tea of Friday night
they were so sweet and I wasn't allowed to look but since Anthony didn't get home till 7.30pm
grrr I had to enter the room and feed Luke and Jack tea. Was a nice quiet night though but after Luke getting his tonsils out the day before I was buggered to say the least.
Will be back in the next few days with some sewing.